We intuitively know that dreams mean something. Unfortunately our culture encourages us to consider them weird, strange, or just plain crazy. Yes, they may be all those things, but they still mean something. In fact, dreams address our most serious concerns in the areas of relationship, career, personality, and even health. So, join those who are waking up to the fact that with the intention to discover their meaning leads to amazing dream guidance that can be positively life changing.
Dream Interpretation Skills
Dreamwork sessions are tailored to the individual’s experience with dreams and dreaming. Beginners learn to recall, record, and use their dreams. Experienced dreamers learn advanced ways of working with their dreams to facilitate problem solving and decision making. Dreamwork is focused on specific problems and is effective as a means of improving health, social relationships, career issues, and personal growth.
Fee: $100 per session
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Group Dreaming for Achieving Goals and Problem Solving
Established groups, whether commercial, volunteer, or social are taught to utilize the power of group dreaming. Groups profit from the creative power of a cohesive group endeavor in just two one and a half hour experiential sessions.
Fee: To be negotiated
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Dream Sharing Groups
Individuals are invited to form a group of like-minded individuals who wish to learn more about their dreams. The group is led in a safe, nonthreatening, and emotionally nourishing manner. Dream sharing with requested clarification from the group results in optimistic and creative, yet practical insights that amaze the dreamers and promote wished for life changes. Note however, that such groups are not to be considered as counseling or psychotherapy groups.
Fee: To be negotiated
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Dream Interpretation Training for Professionals
Individual and group training is available for psychologists, social workers and nurses. Training programs are customized. Materials and content are developed based on specific requests.
Fee: To be Negotiated
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Elementary School Presentations
Picture book based one and a quarter hour programs are available. In addition to being entertaining, the programs affirm the children’s intuitive knowing that dreams are important. The values of: sharing, practice, and music are highlighted throughout the presentations. As a culmination, children are offered the opportunity to confront any of their dream monsters with the presenter being the scary monster. As a result, children have confronted their monsters in ways that have earned them more self-respect as well as the heightened respect of their classmates. Other programs can be developed and integrated into the curriculum as well as library and media center activities.
Fee: To be Negotiated
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No one will be prevented from obtaining any of the services that Arthur offers due to money issues. Services are willingly provided for a donation or free of charge for individuals and groups with strong interest but lack of funds. You are strongly encouraged to call Arthur regarding your interest. Please use this form for more information.